5 Simple Things You Can do to Increase the Value of Your Home

There are many ways of adding value to your home, regardless of whether you are planning on selling it or you just want to future-proof the house. And as a homeowner, you know that your home is the only place you can be yourself and is the best way to build equity. The best part of owning a home is that you can resell it when the values appreciate, however, it can be hard to predict that. But it is entirely possible to increase the value of your home without thinking of the average equity appreciation. 

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Here are simple ways to increase the value of your home:


Painting your house is affordable and is an excellent way to lift the mood of your home. If your financial plan can allow it, consider tacking the walls and get a professional to paint the ceiling. Give the doors, the door frames, and the windows a nice cleaning with a natural alternative like washing soda before painting them. And if you will be doing all these by yourself, choose a warm day to do so.

Focus on the Kitchen

When it comes to making a sale, the kitchen is one of the most significant rooms, this is according to most property firms in the real estate industry. The kitchen is not just where the food is prepared, it is the heart of every home. Therefore, to increase its value, make sure that all the kitchen appliances are modern and consider the giving designs a budgeted renovation. Go for new kitchen doors, cupboards and clean the work surface to give the kitchen a perfectly fresh look.

Get Gardening

According to a Virginia Tech Study, gardening not only increases the curb appeal of your home but also gives your property a 15% increase in value. This study also discovered that the value of a home is directly affected by the plant types and size as well as the landscaping design. Enhancing the landscape also shows the pride of ownership and after all, potential homebuyers see that the house is well taken care of.

Make your Home Energy Efficient

This might be the most expensive thing you can do to increase the value of your home, but it is not exciting as well. Making your home energy efficient will not only increase the value of your home but also save you a lot of money when it comes to energy bills. To increase the value of your home, consider putting your focus on

  • Heating and cooling
  • Windows, doors, and siding installations
  • Solar panels
  • Energy-efficient lighting and appliances

Add Technology

People are getting interested in buying a home that comes with many gadgets and gizmos. And according to various studies, buyers preferred to have smart technology pre-installed if they were to purchase a home. The following is a list of common smart products that you can add to your home to increase its value:

  • Smart thermostat
  • Water leak detectors
  • Smart lights
  • Home security system
  • Controllable shades
  • Smoke and CO detectors
  • Automated sprinklers


When improving your home, it is crucial not to over-improve it. Don’t spend an enormous amount of money on a renovation where there will be little or even no return on your investment. Additionally, it is vital to stick to relevant renovations like making your bathroom grandparent friendly, adding technology, and making your home energy efficient.

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