OOTD: Hello old friend…

Well my first year of uni is done, all my essays are handed in, that’s it! It went by in a flash but in the same breath it feels like an absolute age since I enrolled, I’ve just got to wait for feedback and grades now *vom*. I went out on Wednesday night with the uni gang to celebrate, and spent most of yesterday recovering, I’m still really busy with a ton of stuff so this will be a quick one. I just wanted to share this cute top I got from Evans when I was out shopping with my mum last week.
Nicked from my instagram… @mrsbebe_ 

I have had a long time love affair with teaming stripes and leopard print, it’s one of my favourite combo’s, pair it with denim and it’s perfection. I know you’re probably sick of seeing my Junarose jeans, but these are actually different ones from my usual ones, same style just a shade or two lighter (I know I’m addicted to them!).

I wore: Stripe smock top – Evans// Jeans – JUNAROSE// Shoes – Primark 

I’m going on holiday next week so things might be a little quiet for a week or so, but I’m going to try and schedule some posts… try ha!

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  1. Nikki Sumner on May 17, 2014 at 6:45 am

    So much love for that top xx

    • Becky Barnes on May 18, 2014 at 5:58 am

      It's a good one isn't Nikki? x x

  2. Toni on May 17, 2014 at 8:05 pm

    This post reminds me I need to get me a good pair of jeans – I'm all about jeggings at the moment as that's all that will fit my flat 'one size smaller than my jelly belly' shape! So I've got jean envy right now – might need to do some squats to fill my butt out a bit. That top is lovely too – spotted a nice junarose stripey jumper on asos but out of stock in my size 🙁

    • Becky Barnes on May 18, 2014 at 6:03 am

      Oh what a shame Toni. Have you tried their website or New Look, they're stocked there too. Jeans are a bit of a trial and error situation for me. I very rarely find a pair that truly work for me, it takes a lot of trying on and sending back! But it's oh so worth it when you find them! x xx